Avatar Purusha

Dharka and Brahma Jois fight over the Trishanku Mani (the eternal pearl) in a battle of mantras. Although, having won against Dharka, an unfortunate turn of events leads to Jois’s death. Prior to his death, in order to protect his family, Brahma Jois deploys the 'Ashta Dhigbandana' to his house and plants the stone in his house. Darka then wants to break the spell and get hold of the stone. Many years pass by and Brahma Jois’s son ‘Karna’, goes missing owing to the negligence of Yashodha, for which Ram Jois banishes her from the village. Siri (daughter of Yashodha) , then brings in Anil as Karna to help heal his ailing mother and to mend relations with her family. Later on Kumara is welcomed to the householdas the realson,on the recommendation of Kanti Jois. Is Kumara the real son? Will Karna be able to save the day and protect the family?